
Email: ACS Administration
校址 Location : 7938 Great Northern Blvd, Austin, TX 78757 (Magellan International School)

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~2024秋季班線上繳費系統開始啓動~2024 Fall semester classes registration starts NOW~

***點此click here~2024秋季班線上繳費系統開始啓動~ 2024 Spring semester classes registration starts NOW~

****~2024年秋季班採實體視訊雙軌教學 八月十八日開學 We will run in-person and virtual schools this Fall semester on August 18th, 2024~****

教科書Textbooks: 本校使用之教材為"小甲班-學華語開步走""/大甲班到四年級-美洲華語""/五年級到八年級-學華語向前走""/AP班-超越""/Adult conversational classes-Integrated Chinese"

請加入奧斯汀中文學校臉書, 以掌握最近動態; Please follow ACS Facebook to receive the latest information. https://www.facebook.com/AustinChineseSchool


由於冠狀肺炎流行, 本校從2020年三月起改採視訊教學, 2024年八月將採實體及網路雙軌學校教學. We will remain in-person school and online school this Fall 2024. Please write to austinchineseschool2016@gmail.com for more information.

Flowers in Chania Flowers in Chania
Registration Form For Fall 2024.docx_.pdf226.32 KB